The following links are for your convenience. If you click the links below, you will be leaving the Grace Baptist Church website.
Audio Bible Online
Listen to the King James on line using your computer and real audio player.
Blue Letter Bible
A very convenient on-line bible resource.
Christian Classics Library
Christian writings, books and references available for on-line viewing.
The Spurgeon Archive
Charles Spurgeon’s printed works are voluminous, and those provided here are only a sampling of his best-known works.
Armed Forces Baptist Missions
AFBM is on a worldwide quest for the souls of men and women in uniform and their families. Brother Doug Carragher’s mission is supported by Grace.
Bearing Precious Seed
Bearing Precious Seed, a bible publishing ministry located in Milford, OH.
Bearing Precious Seed Global
Bearing Precious Seed Global prints bibles in other countries where it is much more economical than shipping scriptures in.
Living Faith Bible Institute
Living Faith Bible Institute serves to mold every student into the image of Christ in order to mobilize them to minister the word of God to the world.
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions
John O’Malley is a dear friend of Grace and is doing at great job heading WWNTBM.