Our Missionaries
At Grace we take God’s commission to the church found in Matthew 28:19-20 very seriously. We feel it is our duty to help make disciples of Jesus in every part of the world. As a result, we endeavor to support those who are on the field, faithfully declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Below is a list of those missionaries Grace is presently supporting. If you would like to financial support one of these ministries, go to the Giving tab on this website to make a contribution.
Hendrigsman Family – Missionaries to Oaxaca, Mexico
Seeds of Grace Transport - Mike & Liz Schorr
Bearing Precious Seed – World-Wide Bible publishing ministry.
Kari Ferguson- Ivory Coast
Carragher Family – Wounded Spirits
Demarest Family – Missionaries to South Africa
Gorman Family – Armed Forces Baptist Missions (Colorado Springs)
Hartman Family - Shalom Ministries, Inc.
N.S. Mung – Missionary to Myanmar
John O’Malley – World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions
Sherrhouse Family – Missionaries to Brazil
Derek Thomas - Slavic Baptist Institute
Andrew Ong- Southeast Asia
Bible Literature Missionary Foundation