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Trusting the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  What does it mean to trust God?  That’s a phrase (“trust God”) we frequently use in Christian circles, but what does it really mean?  How do you go about trusting God?  In order to answer these questions the first thing we need to understand is everyone trusts someone or something.  We trust our spouse, our personal wealth, our intellect, or often times we only trust ourselves.  Trusting the Lord doesn’t mean you trust no one else.  The problem arises when we begin to trust people or things at the expense of trusting the Lord.  As with any relationship, building trust in the Lord takes time.  He must prove His faithfulness to you over time.  There is no shortcut to trust.  What or whom we trust has a huge impact on our life.  In Proverbs 3, Solomon describes trust in a very personal way.  Solomon mentions four items related to our trusting the Lord.  First, OUR HEART – “all thine heart.”  This portion of the verse implies complete and total trust.  That’s the goal.  God wants us to trust Him with every aspect of our life, not just our “spiritual” life.  Second, OUR UNDERSTANDING – “lean not unto thine own understanding.”  No matter how smart we are, or how many life experiences we’ve had, the human perspective is always limited.  Our natural intuition is always slightly suspect.  I have to trust God and His word even when I don’t understand and His direction seems contrary to my reality.  Third, OUR WAYS – “In all thy ways acknowledge him.”  God wants to be involved in all we do.  If we can’t involve God, we probably shouldn’t be doing it.  Fight the tendency to compartmentalize your life and to keep God in your spiritual box.  Unleash Him on every aspect of your life and watch Him do miracles.  Fourth, OUR PATHS – “he shall direct thy paths.”  If we will do the first three things, He will give us direction in life.  That doesn’t mean you will always be healthy, wealthy and happy in life.  It does mean He will give you purpose, direction, focus and fulfillment.

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